Obama Hemorrhaging Jews
From My Aisling:
So I scan some headlines, and find this: NYU poll: US Jews favor Obama 2:1.
Oh, no! I collapse to the floor and curl into a fetal position. The tears streaming down my face puddle through my hair. Being practical, I mop the floor in a two-foot square area. Pleased with my effort, I gather myself to face the news.
The Jews, to whom I am blindly devoted as a Conservative Christian (yeah, one of those), have abandoned me! Et tu, Jew-tay? Oy vey! Can it get any worse? My colon goes spasmodic and my sphincter tightens in response. Last thing I need at a moment like this is an “accident.” I’ve been saving Depends coupons (the ones without an expiration date) since I was 45, but I haven’t actually needed any yet.
So I stare at the headline. Something catches my eye. “2:1.” Two to one. That’s 67% to 33%. That’s only 17 points over split. Is that good? It feels good. Let’s see.
This part is my pal Scott Martin at Conservatism Today take on the numbers
"Et-te, Jew-tay?" Too funny. Anyways, Aisling has the hostorical numbers for past presidential elections at the link. Suffice it to say, it seems as if Jews are not as into Louis Farrakhan's pal Barack as they usually are for other democratic socialists. This still begs the question: Are the majority of Jews simply not paying attention to Obama's history? His statements on the Middle East?
Intervene or Not?
7 hours ago
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