O.J. Simpson will spend at least the next nine years of his life behind bars for his role in a robbery in a hotel room in Vegas. Simpson tried to explain and apologize for his actions in the same breath saying, "I didn't mean to steal anything from anybody ... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of it."
However it looks like O.J. drew the wrong judge for leniency. Judge Glass is described has "a no-nonsense judge known for tough sentences." Simpson could face has many has 33 years in prison. Which would effectively be the rest of his life. However he's up for parole in nine. As for parole don't count on it. "The prosecutor also said that because the crimes were considered violent felonies, Simpson and Stewart will not be eligible for good-behavior credits to lessen their sentences. He did not expect them to be immediately released when they do seek parole.
So why was this prosecutor able to convict the NFL legend. To put it simply he had it on tape. "Jurors who heard 13 days of testimony said after the verdict that they were convinced of Simpson's guilt because of audio recordings that were secretly made of the robbery at the Palace Station casino hotel."
"District Attorney David Roger revealed that Simpson and Stewart had both been offered plea agreements during the trial that would have resulted in lesser sentences. He would not provide details." I remember Simpson's attorney saying something to the affect of "Mr. Simpson has great faith in the jury system."
While O.J. may now have less faith in that system it helped Ron Goldman's family
the man O.J. was acquitted of murdering in 94 along with his Nicole Brown Simpson) regain some of theirs. "We are thrilled, and it's a bittersweet moment,"Fred Goldman said. "It was satisfying seeing him in shackles like he belongs. After sentencing was over, the Goldmans left the courtroom and Kim threw her arms around her father and wept." The Goldman's even took some credit for Simpson's plight stating that their "relentless pursuit" of his assets "pushed him over the edge."
Nicole Brown Simpson's sister, Denise Brown, released a statement from her family referring to the date her sister and Ron Goldman were killed, "Allowing wealth, power and control to consume himself, he made a horrific choice on June 12, 1994, which has spiraled into where he is today," the statement said.
This seems like a fitting end to the saga that has been O.J. Simpson. Since the murder trail in 1994 in which many people believe he got away with two murders. He has been in trouble several times. Mostly Domestic disputes and I believe at least one case of road rage. However it appears that the O.J. Simpson saga has finally come to an end with this conviction.
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