Tonight John McCain has kicked off his general election campaign with a speech blasting Obama for being someone who talks about change and bipartisan ship, but says he is the one that has been for change for years, "The choice is between the right change and the wrong change. The right change will stop impeding Americans from doing what they have always done: overcome every obstacle to our progress, turn challenges into opportunities, and by our own industry, imagination and courage make a better country and a safer world than we inherited."
McCain Highlighted differences he has had with the Bush administration from spending to promoting the surge in Iraq. On spending he said, "I have opposed wasteful spending by both parties and the Bush administration. Senator Obama has supported it and proposed more of his own." McCain said he wanted a freeze on all discresitionary spending programs until a review could be done to get rid of programs that overlap and are wasteful. He also made it clear he opposed giving subsidies to big businesses.
Then McCain turned to our dependence on foreign oil. "The next President must be willing to break completely with the energy policies not just of the Bush Administration, but the administrations that preceded his, and lead a great national campaign to put us on a course to energy independence." He said we could do this by using the using the "creativtiy and genius" of the Amercian people.
McCain then started firing at Barack Obama. He hit Obama on almost every concievable issue from the environment to the War on Terror. He attempted to paint Obama has a peace loving tax raising liberal in the fashion of Jimmy Carter. He questioned Obama's Judgement for wanting to meet with foreign leaders that are hostile to the United States, without pre-conditions. He pointed out the He has a record of working across the alise while Obama has only talked about doing so.
The point of McCain's speech was to say that he's already spent over thirty years doing what Obama is talking about doing. It was also to show he does not represent Bush's third term. "You will hear every policy of the President described as the Bush-McCain policy. Why does Senator Obama believe it’s so important to repeat that idea over and over again? Because he knows it’s very difficult to get Americans to believe something they know is false. So he tries to drum it into your minds by constantly repeating it rather than debate honestly the very different directions he and I would take the country."
McCain will win this election because he has done all the things that Obama is talking about doing. Also while no one wants to spend any more time in Iraq than is necessary I do not believe that Americans are ready to hand the country off the to Al-Qaeda. Americans really do, for the most part, understand that if we lose the battle in Iraq the war doesn't end it just becomes longer and more difficult to win.
Here's the video of the speech
Here's the full transcript
No, You Can’t Use my Morals to Kill Me
2 hours ago
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